Public policy towards domestic violence has changed in recent years reflecting changes in society. Incidents where the police would be called, parties would be separated and it all be labelled ‘just a domestic’ are consigned to history.
The police will now thoroughly investigate any allegation of domestic violence and pursue a prosecution in most cases where there is any evidence even when parties are reconciled and the complainant does not want the case to proceed. To be clear it is not the complainant’s choice whether charges should go ahead they cannot ‘drop the charges’ and you need expert legal assistance.
The definition of domestic violence includes not only couples but allegations made by any person in a familial relationship such as parents or siblings. It’s a minefield for anyone accused as the police will often impose bail conditions prevent an accused returning to the family home. At court a defendant can face the possibility of a court order preventing them from contacting members of their family or returning the family home even if they are found not guilty of any crime.